Tick, tock, goes the clock
I recently did an NCFE level two course in understanding Autism. I did it to get a formal recognition of my informal learning around the topic. I don't endorse the course but that requires another post. The only thing that I learnt was that I have difficulties with the concept of time.
I'm not sure if the is an ADHD trait too but I feel like a longtime has passed when in fact it's only a short while has. Like I created this blog on the 8th April 2022 and I was thinking I haven't posted in ages and I should post but I haven't found the spoons needed (look up spoon theory).
Today I've already posted two posts but then I realised its the 16th today so it's only been a week I was convinced it was a month ago.
So I guess some people have a slower response where it takes them longer to complete a task because of their concept of time but for me I'm like sonic dash. Even my ex husband said it would take him a week to do what I do in a day.
It's a blessing but also a curse because of burnout because that's an ongoing condition I suffer from.
I'm always early for appointments I thought this was because I was anxious about being late but I think. It's just because I can't work out what time I need to leave. If I use Google maps I will still add 15 minutes just in case at the start and at the end 😂
It's not worth the effort, let's just stay at home. 😊
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